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Saturday 25 August 2012

Nazi zombies, really?

Morning people, it have been a pretty strange week. I have been getting a LOT of homework lately and I struggle to keep up with it all. Nah, I did it all yesterday and the entire weekend is going to be my time off. I got a few extra games I want to play through and a few parties I should attend. My revenge will have to be delayed a little; Kasper went home yesterday and won’t be returning until tomorrow. I am considering starting a YouTube channel, I have been watching a lot of extra movies lately and thought; what the hell, I could review these.

I’m actually watching Dead Snow at the moment; I am not too sure I like those Nazi zombies. Not because they are Nazis but because they run… and look cheap. Very cheap. I think George Romero said it best: death isn’t an energy drink so why do they run? I noticed a black figure in one of the scenes. He is never seen again. He just stands there, looking at the zombies and the few survivors. He then turns his head at the camera and reveals nothing. It looks like a cheap doll, all white and featureless. Could be a link to a possible sequel. Trust me, I am not going to watch it.

Oh yea and my flu haven’t gotten better yet; I might visit the hospital later today.

Thursday 23 August 2012

Plotting my revenge:

Greetings my dear readers, I am sitting in my room at the moment and I am slowly finishing the last details of my plan. You might remember the friend that “attacked” me in the forest a few days ago. I have decided that it is time for my great plan to be set into motion. The plan is fairly simple; all I need to do is convince some of the other students to help me.  I will invite my friend Kasper to a small private party and start by telling him the history of the mad preacher. Most people know my knowledge of the Academy is great and I he might believe me. After the party we will visit the church, I got a spare key to it and the priest knows who I am.

The only source of light inside the church is the windows and it will be completely dark in there. One of my friends will sneak away from the rest of the group and he will enter the catacombs where I have left him a little present. My guidelines there should be enough to explain everything. I will mention the preacher again then look. After a few moments I will point out that he is missing and ask Kasper to look near the altar. The rest of the group will then leave the church and I will scream in horror, Kasper will either run or come to my “aid”. The original friend will be wearing the monk suit I hid in the catacombs, I left the janitors chainsaw as well and if the “monk” proves to be a good actor it will all be enough to scare the skin off Kasper.

I am indeed a genius. No one scares me like that without getting punished.

Wednesday 22 August 2012

I'm calling the police now

I swear, somebody is breaking into my room and this time they have stolen my phone. The weird thing is that I had it a few seconds ago. As I mentioned in my last entry I am falling a little ill and I went to the toilet to fetch a few of my pain pills to limit the pain. I splashed a little water in my head and swallowed the pill. I left the bathroom again and locked myself into my room. I had locked the door when I left but when I returned I found it wide open. Nothing seemed to have been ransacked but my mobile was missing. I had my wallet placed on my desk but it had been left untouched. Not a single coin was missing and my computer was still in its bag.

Well, I had taken some pretty good pictures with my phone as well, I talked with the headmaster and it seems their insurance is going to cover my loss. Luckily. I am going to keep a really good eye on my new phone and camera. I wont lose any more items. What I really don’t understand is how they got into my room. I have checked the lock and it isn’t broken. The door haven’t been touched either and I am sure I locked the door. How did they get in? I’ll contact the police later; this theft must come to an end.

And I will also have to contact the matron, this flu is getting worse. I am beginning to experience some rather nasty coughing fits, some warm chicken soup might help. Who knows?

-Der Schatten

Damn you movie!

I have been watching this movie called Hitler’s Elite and I was stunned when I realized it was trying to get me to feel bad for the Nazis. There was this one scene where they were hunting a group of fleeing Jews and they shot them after having an argument about it. Several of the Nazis began crying and sobbing and the movie had the balls to make me feel with bad for them. I turned it off and went to bed; I think I am coming down with a little flu and a beginning headache.

Otherwise it has been rather cosy here, I have had several conversations with some of the professors from the Academy about the history of the school and I am trying to gain access to the older parts of our old library. Normally it is only open to researchers but due to the fact that I have taken Latin as a class I might just have a chance to gain access. 

Tuesday 21 August 2012

Getting a little poetic:

I was sitting at my desk starring at my Latin homework when I suddenly decided to take a blank piece of paper and reflect a little on life, I wrote the following:

Is life really just a game? Is every step we take planned and calculated? Is every movement part of a bigger scheme? Is the world just a giant board where unknown gods play with us mere mortals as worthless pawns. Are some considered better pieces than others? Are these pieces hunted and traded on a whim? Does some pieces connect to the powerful players? What is the goal? Can one win? Does it all really matter? And when will all of this end?

See? I can be artsy too. I am not quite sure how I wrote that as I am normally very bland. Well, it appears I was hit by a wave of inspiration. 

Really? Why does this always happen to me?

When I moved to the Academy I got a brand new camera by my parents, I have been running around taking pictures of everything around me. LITERALLY EVERYTHING and I was about to upload it when I returned home. When class was finally over I locked me into my room…. And was unable to find my bloody camera.  I swear I placed it in my locker and when I checked a few minutes ago it had gone missing. I have looked everywhere in my room and even asked my room mate but it is nowhere to be found. It seems I will have to use my phone to get you those pictures.

I am still wondering who was playing outside my room, I know some of the other teachers got some children of their own but they seem older than the ones I heard. Perhaps I shouldn’t ponder too much about it.

A little mystery and a big shock

Urg, the teacher’s kids were playing outside my room yesterday and I was trying to take a quick nap. They kept giggling and playing around for several minutes. I had to yell of them before they stopped and left the area (I suppose they left at least, I never found them).  After a few moments I was struck by guilt and went to apologise to them, the strange thing is that the teacher and his family was on a prolonged weekend had had yet to return. I wonder whom I yelled at then…

Otherwise my day have been kind of eventless, I had a test in math that bored me senseless and I had to walk around the nearby lake a few times. This would be okay if it was a small lake but it is several miles long and it takes hours to walk the road around it. The worst part is that the road around the lake goes through a forest. I felt paranoid as I walked there; I heard a branch snapping and turned around. A figure was running at me, it had its arms raised and it roared. It was one of my friends; he pushed me over and and jumped on me. We wrestled for a few minutes until I gave up and surrendered. Damn, I was scared. I got unto my feets and slapped him on the shoulder. He kept laughing and we both walked out of the forest together.

I’ll think of some way to get revenge later.

Monday 20 August 2012

Just me starting up

Greetings readers, my name is Mark or as I am called: Der Schatten. Are you wondering how I got that name? Well, to make a long story very short: Lets just say that I uphold the traditions. I’m from Denmark. I decided that I might as well share my piece of mind with the rest of the world.  I recently moved to a new city where I live on the local “high school”.  The academy as the high school is known as was build by monks from the Benedict order. It has a tragic history with death fanatic preachers and all sorts of accidents. Parts of the Academy have even been burned down. In the church that lies in the middle of the school ground several kings of the Danish monarchy have been laid to rest. This is as you can probably hear a school with a lot of traditions and a dark history. Despite all of that most of the people here are nice and relaxed, I have already made a lot of friends.

I’ll mostly speak about my life here and the people around me. I just wanted to introduce myself, I might post some pictures of the Academy later.